Futuristic Architecture Designs and Application

Futuristic Architecture Designs and Application
Most of the ordinary architectures design the popular idea. Anyone of those are not trying to go for an extra ordinary design. It is not an easy task to make an extra ordinary design. Because in such a design an architecture must also have an engineering knowledge. They sometimes have to make new engineering theories. Futuristic Architecture is an extra ordinary design technique. If you see a house or building with unseen characteristics, or you may think "this is from the future", it is the success of futuristic architect.

Futuristic architecture was first born in Italy. It is early 20th century. It was an art. But in the presence it is not only an art. Modern architectures with their engineering knowledge design such futuristic structures for some purposes. Such as resistance for extreme weather conditions, resist for earthquakes, to fulfill extreme human requirements, etc.

21st century architecture is mostly futuristic, because they have latest constructions technologies, innovative concepts, wonderful facilities and stunning unique designs. There are two key issues on this. Those are machine and motion. Main aim of the design is maximum flexibility and lightness. They use reinforced concrete, iron, wood, stone, brick, glass, textile and cardboard for these magical arts. They believe that oblique and elliptic lines are dynamic and have more expressive power than horizontal or perpendicular lines. Ordinary architects use nature elements to inspire into, but futuristic architecture use mechanical world elements.

Futuristic architecture is a calculation architecture. It facilitates possibility of lightness and flexibility. To form such design they use bare or violently colored materials. Decorations are not meaningful. They use various raw materials and it is depend on the shape which they want to create. Futuristic architecture follows its elements nothing but they express them much. This architecture violates the theories of prior established principles. This is an old manifest which use design the future world.
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