Tonsillitis which bothering in child age

Tonsillitis which bothering in child age
Tonsils are structures inside the throat which are same as lymph nodes. This is a part of immune system. It signals immune system to create antibodies to react with germs come across mouth. As same as tonsils, adenoid tissue which placed behind the nasal cavity do same thing to the germs coming through the nose. This activity finishes in about one and half years of age but glands remain through out the life with slowly shrinking.

How tonsils infection happens?
A bacteria with high infecting power grows beating immune system and infects to tonsils. This can be identified with reddening, appearing white dots and swelling. Normally the infected organ comes to normal when immune system win the game. But the structure of this can be changed due to frequent infections. Thus it can be easily infect than before. The swelling of such tonsils never come to normal size.

Symptoms of tonsillitis
Symptoms are inconvenience and pain in throat, itch in throat, fever, unease of swallowing.

Why do you need to get medical treatments?
Tonsillitis may be a beginning of other egregious disease. According to the germ infected, it may cause for rheumatic fever which affects to heart and nervous system or it may cause to inactivate kidneys. In addition to this, frequent inflammations can cause to increase the size of the tonsils and adenoid glands. Nasal path becomes shrink when expanding of adenoid glands. Therefore child is trying to do inspiration and expiration using mouth. This cause to low growth of upper jaw. It is a barrier to grow good teeth. And while air goes through a narrow path snore may occur. Such difficulties of inspiration will not result a good sleep.

If tonsils fester, infection can spread outer tissues. This is called Peritonsilitis and most of the time a surgery required. Your doctor will prescribe you some nasal applying medicine and tablets. But if it would not answer atleast within 6 weeks, next step is a surgery.

Surgery for removing tonsils (Tonsillectomy)
Among the pediatric surgeries tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy are the most abundant. It is a secure surgery and experiments have proven that. Therefore you have not needed to afraid to remove tonsils by surgery. Your surgeon may recommend tonsillectomy with the following reasons. Those are long term inflammation, respiratory problems, swallowing problems, respiratory problems in sleep, pus, peritonsils and results of x-ray tests.

How to prepare for the surgery?
Anesthetic surgeon will inspect the child before the surgery. You have to inform the surgeon if the child have an allergy for food or medicine, catalepsy or heart disease and getting treatments for any other disease. It is important to ask if there any question about that surgery from your surgeon. This avoids trending for treatments which not suitable and avoid quitting from treating.

How many time goes to heal?
There are 7-10 days pass to heal. Some children heals before this time and some extend for about two weeks and it is rare. Small children may heal within 3 days.

About the surgery
This surgery goes under full anesthetic conditions and it will spend 20-30 minutes. It is normal to occur a pain in throat for everyone. Reason for this is contracting of muscles (spasm) responsible for swallowing. This can be identified by difficulty of swallowing saliva. This situation can heal by taking a cool food or taking a pain killer.

Complications not exist for every one. But some rare cases of blood flow, germ infection of the surgical wound, dehydration, pain, some voice change and snore can occur as complications of this surgery. Here you have to note about the dehydration well. If dried lips, whitening on the surface of the tongue, decrease the urination rate and unusual thirsty is the symptoms of dehydration.

Give your child more water and drinks after the surgery. Ice pudding, chilled jelly may reduce the pain due to the contraction of the muscles of throat. Give normal diet after about 30 minutes of above food supplement.

Do not go for public places where more human activities occur in the first week of surgery. It would help to avoid infecting a germ. Let child go for school after one week passed. Let the child to bath if there is no any fever condition.

Contact a doctor if a condition of following occur after the surgery. Unusual blood flow, fever over 102 Fahrenheit or 38.9 Celsius, symptoms of dehydration existing (urination less than 3 times per day, no tears when crying, unusual thirst, headache, giddiness and not active), difficulty of respiration are the condition which you have to inform your doctor.
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