Gerbera Cultivation

Gerbera Cultivation
Gerbera is an economically very important flower. This flower is used to export as cut flowers and use to decorate festivals. Scientific name is Gerbera jamesonii. Home land of the plant is South Africa and related to the family Asteraceae

Now the Gerbera spreads all over the world because of it's beauty. This plant is also named as Barberton Daisy. Gerbera flowers are vary in color. Those are with single colors such as white, red, orange, pink, yellow, violet and also with bi-colored. 

In the present most popular Gerbera species are hybrids. Leaves of Gerbera are more larger and longer than Barberton Daisy's. Edge of the leave is with a little bit of wave-like structure. 

Gerbera grows well in number of environmental conditions.  Long life of this flower is helped to increase the demand. There are two types of species due to the length of the stalk.  Demand is high for the longer stalked flower. 

For a good cultivation, a good sunlight is required. Specially the sunlight receives in the morning hours will improve the color quality of the flower. 

A good water supply and good water drain is very important. Media should be 1/2 with sand and other half with compost fertilizer. In a potted cultivation it is better to add broken pieces of clay tiles to the bottom to increase water drain.

To increase the plant growth high Nitrogen fertilizer is required. After a well growth use 20:20:20 ratio NPK. In the stage of flowering use a high-Potasium fertilizer.
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