Health Benefits and Nutritional Value of Banana

Ripe banana is a good dessert. It riches with fiber and potassium salts. In addition banana has Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Magnesium, Calcium, etc. Banana is good for anemia, high blood pressure, constipation, stress, nervous diseases and lucidity. Reduce abnormalities in digestive system. Banana helps to reduce blooding in menstruation. Some kinds of banana species reduce constipation and some increase.

There are three natural sugar types in banana, Sucrose, Fructose and Glucose. Banana gives instant energy to body. It is fiber-rich and therefore easy to digest. Banana is a popular food among sports people. There are many more benefits other than energy supplement.

To reduce the stress of mind
Researches prove that eating a banana helps to reduce the stress of mind. Inside the human body a protein in banana known as tryptophan transfers into serotonin which reduce stress. Vitamin B6 in banana help to normalize blood glucose concentration. Experiments have proved that blood glucose level is caused to stress. Therefore Banana is good for stress.

Banana also helps to reduce anemia
Iron content of banana is very high. Therefore it helps to hemoglobin formation and helps to reduce anemia.

Reduce high blood pressure
Banana has high concentration of potassium. Salt concentration is very low. Therefore banana is a good weapon for beat high blood pressure. 

Banana increases brain power
High concentration of Potassium in banana helps to increase the activity of human brain. Therefore give more banana and banana products to growing, studying children. 

Banana helps to reduce constipation
Banana is a fruit with full of fibers. Therefore it is a good answer for constipation. It normalize the defecation. 

Morning discomfort after drunk in last night will be reduced consuming bananas. It is good to mix banana, milk and bee honey and drink. Honey increases the sugar content which reduced by alcohol. Milk helps to normalize the dehydration. Banana also helps to reduce the acidic conditions inside the stomach.

Eating banana between meals can increase blood glucose. This is more helpful to pregnant women to avoid from inconveniences.  

For a mosquito bite, gently rub inside of a banana peal on bitten location and this will reduce the pain and swelling. 

High Vitamin B content of banana helps to increase the healthyness of nervous system. Banana is good for sores and infections inside the digestive system. It normalize acidic conditions.

Banana also helps to normalize the body heat. It reduce body heat and good to pregnant women. When ripe well, some black spots can be seen on the peel of the banana. Those black spots generate special chemical compounds which help to fight against cancer cells.

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