How we increase our memory power?

How we increase our memory power?
Memory power is most of the time neglect by the new world. But it is very important to increase memory power. Aiming something, thinking about a problem or question, finding a solution for something, understanding concepts, etc you need more memory power. You can increase your memory power following the below mentioning rules and habits.

Reducing stress
The easiest way to do this practicing meditation. Practice meditation for at least 15-30 minutes per day. Meditation makes your brain relax, anxious, rational and concentration. If you are willing to practice meditation choose one of the following best suit times of the day. First one is in the morning, after getting the lunch, after finished your workday and when got stressed. Remember not to practice meditation before you going to bed. This will reduce your sleep.

Yoga exercises
Yoga helps to increase not only the physical strength but also mental fitness. It is also like meditation. When we going to age our brain start to shrink. But if you practicing yoga you can stop this. If you can do it, practice yoga with meditation.

Regular exercises
Research studies have proven that you have to do at least 150 minutes aerobics per week, 75 minutes jogging per week. You can change the way you exercise if you do not like to do the same for entire week. I.e. if you hate running they swim or join exercise class.

Sleep enough
An adult needs 7-9 hours sleep per day. In sleeping our brain consolidates information to long term memory bank. If we do not get enough sleep our brain is not relaxing with it's memory and it will suffer. Do not watch TV, phone or tablet before sleep. This will reduce your sleep.

Organize everything to an order
Try to practice the order in you day to day life. Do everything to an order. Arrange everything you need to an order. Then you do not have to waste you time and memory to find something. This will reduce the stress and also save your time.

Socialize enough
Socialization is a good practice to avoid stress. Keep in mind that socializing will not harm to your day to day life and relaxation to your mind. Join with a good friendly community.

Practice to laugh
Some people laugh for everything but some people hate laughing. Laughing is a good practice to relax your mind. This will also reduce the stress.

Have a spa once a week
Go for a spa once a week. If you have no enough money to go to a spa, do it yourself. Get a good bath or shower, cut your nails and toenails, scrub your feet, etc. This will free you from stress and increase self-confidence.

Disconnect from the world
Disconnect computer, phone, tablet for at least 30 minutes and be alone. This will relax your mind and reduce stress. Engage with non technological leisure will make your mind relax.

Medical treatments
If you are still in stress and all of the above do not help then meet a medical professional. You may even heal with counseling with a psychologist or may be take medicine.

Improving Your Diet
Eat antioxidants
Get more antioxidants for you meals. Blueberries and pomegranate are good antioxidants. Researchers have found that blueberries are good for Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Healthy fat
You have to absorb healthy fat. Many fish (I.e. Salmon) are rich with omega-3 fatty acids. This omega-3 is helpful to correct functioning of brain. These fatty acids also helps to heal inflammation. Another type of healthy fat is monosaturated fat. Avocado contains this type. Monosaturated fats help to reduce blood pressure and let a good healthy blood flow.

Consume more nuts and seeds
Vitamin E reduces cognitive decline of brain which occurs with ageing. Nuts and seeds are Vitamin E rich foods.

Whole grains
Whole grains help to improve cardiovascular health. It is because it increases blood flow specially to brain.

Beans helpful to stabilize blood glucose which is the fuel of brain.

Freshly brewed tea
Tea contains small amount of caffeine. This caffeine helps to enhance the memory, mood and focus. Drink 2 or 3 cups per day. But remember that if you are in stress more caffeine will increase your stress.

Dark chocolates
Dark chocolate will increase your focus and concentration. It also can boost your mood up. Antioxidants and natural stimulants helpful to this. It is to use no more than 1/2 - 1 ounce of dark chocolate per day.

Drink enough water
Almost 80% of the brain is water. If body water level reduced brain also subject to dehydrate. Dehydrated brain will not function properly. Make sure to drink enough water every day. Measure your weight in pounds. Then divide it by 2. The answer is the number of water ounces you must drink per day. But this amount can vary with the climate. In a day sweat very much, you have to drink more water.

Change The Way You Think
Mindfulness means you are always aiming your mind on current moment.

Pay attention surroundings
Be concentrate of the surrounding things such as living things, wind, atmosphere, weather, smells, etc.

Do one thing at once
Many of the researches show that brain could not able to switch between tasks efficiently. If we think multitasking is time saving, it is wrong. Multitasking waste your time. In example, if you are studying and you have to remember something, do only that and do not mix it with other tasks.

Learn new things
If we are doing same tasks every day, our brain will fail to improve. Try to learn new things day by day. This will stimulate the growth of brain. Introduce new things to your brain regularly.

Use multi senses when memorize
When you keep something in your memory try to do it with many senses. For an example when you try to memorize a new word look at it, say it loudly and write it down. This can apply to most of the time understanding new concepts.

To memorize something it is a good way to repeat it. Say something more than once with different applications is an example.

Associate something with the task or thing you have to memorize or remember will increase your memory power. For an example thing you have to take a letter with you when you going out. Then you can put the letter with the key of your car. This will help to avoid forgetting the letter.

Avoid overloading
When load something to your brain do it with bite-sized chunks or easy to speak packets. When you remembering a number, it is easy to memorize it with breaking into several pieces. (I.e. instead of remembering 5-8-9-4-7-2-3-1-5, memorize it 589-472-315 or 58-94-723-15)

Do not give up
Your brain may get slower while ageing. But do not give up studying new things. Try to learn it even slowly.
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