How Cucumber regulates internal activities of the body?

How Cucumber regulates internal activities of the body
Large number of internal activities of the body done by liver. Cucumber is a good for the health of liver. According to the ayurvedic theory all of the activities of body should be balanced. Even one of those facts go unbalanced there will be a bad result. Cucumber balance those activities. The feeling of burning of the body is result from one of those facts go unbalance. In ayurvedic medicine this fact is called "Pita". Cucumber is a better solution for this.

Cucumber has the ability of Antioxidizing. It also has the ability of anti-cancer effects and preventing allergies. Dehydration can totally controlled by eating one fruit of cucumber. Cucumber can also balance the activities of liver. Water is required for balancing all of the activities of liver. Therefore cucumber helps to control body temperature and the temperature of liver.

If a person get less water he/she may face a problem of increasing the acidity of urine. Reason for this is the lack of water. If so, the acidity of blood will also be increased. When the acidity of blood increased it will affect to arthritis. In such situation cucumber is given as a medicine. If you working with strive your eyes, give a treatment with cucumber. Keep two slices of cucumber over your eyes for some time. Weariness of eyes will normalize. Eyes will get a new refreshment and will last healthy for long time.

There are 0.7g of protien, 0.1g of lipids, 3.4g of carbohydrate, 0.4g of fiber and 95g of water in 100g of cucumber. Cucumber also prevent skin diseases and resulting a more healthy skin. It increases the skin fairness. Cucumber also helpful to a proper action of digestion enzymes. Increase the creation of blood cells.

Cucumber is a great food in diarrhoea. This avoid constipation. Cucumber is also good for avoiding the dryness of the body and skin. Drink cucumber juice if your skin is dry. So, the medicinal value of cucumber is significant. It reduce the acidity of urine and avoid urine stone formation, good for diarrhoea, good for arthritis, reducing high blood pressure, easing joint pains, control diabetes, quits dehydration and contains vitamin A, B6, C and D with other minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium.
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