Pruning of Roses

Pruning of Roses
Bush of roses with full of flowers all over the year is anyone's dream. Good flowering needs number of new branches. Bush or roses has a long life. To get more flowers you have to prune well. But the pruning should be done very carefully.

Bush may harm with a bad pruning. Pruning means removing unnecessary and diseased branches. When prune a bush will renew and it also controls the height.

There are three methods of pruning. One is raw pruning. Second one is medium pruning. And the third one is hard pruning. In a raw pruning we remove diseased and damaged branches. 2/3 of entire branches will remove. Remaining is three or four externally spreaded branches only. If your rose bush is about 3 years old you can do a medium pruning. In this type of pruning all of the infected and broken branches and half of the other branches will remove.

Hard pruning is best for over 7 years old bushes. There every branch of the bush will be pruned. According to the hard pruning entire bush will prune up to about one foot from the soil.

When prune any of the above type, first of all remove the infected branches. Then remove the thin, weak branches. There will be no any good flowering in these thin, weak branches. Remove the cross branches grow inside the middle. Reason is these branches will not receive enough light and will not bloom.
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