Ability of containment, women are higher than men

Ability of containment, women are higher than men
Biologically women have less sensitivity for a pain than men. Nature gives her that to bearing a nine month pregnancy and energy of delivering. Little girls also train from their childhood to such ability of containment. Normally a woman doing more than one works at a time. I.e. In the morning she is preparing breakfast and during this work she sweep house or iron cloths or do some other work. Parents train those works specially to a girls from her childhood. If it doesn't those works will be learnt by practice.

With such works she have no time to think or bemoan about some problem. Therefore they will increase their ability of containment. When her husband faced a problem she also feel the same but she can bear it and have an ability of console husband also. 

Women are normally sharing their emotions with other women. Sometimes there are no answer or no solution but they talk about the problem with others. Therefore their mind will relax for some sort of amount. Therefore their ability of helping each other when a problem occurs is higher than men. 

But someone may ask that if women have more containment than men why they hope a protection of men. Man is always higher with energy than women. Therefore it is normally high potential of forcing women from men. When a woman has a husband, society believes she has a protection. Therefore other men most of the time do not try to force such women. But if a woman widowed, divorced or husband on abroad, men try to force as many ways. Therefore a man is a good safety for a woman not only physically but also mentally. 

In the society situation is like that but in home it is completely different. In a home woman protect man. She cares him while he is at ill and prepares food for him. She also try to rescue him from bad habits. Sometimes she is the person who washes his cloths. According to those in a home a man have a good protection and caring from his wife. 

When get separately men have more physical energy than women. That is because his body arranged for more stronger than her. But for the containment, energy is not enough. It needs more mental energy.

Some of the German scientists have done a research and they finally compare a man to cheetah and the woman to horse. Cheetah is the most speed territorial creature. According to that they said woman has a constant energy and man has burst of energy. 

Past Libyan chief Kernel Gadaffi had women as his commando guide crew. As the reason for this, he said that women always try to protect men for their last breath and they have the best targets than men. And also women are more trustful than men. He said women have more mental energy than men.

This not means men could not bear anything. In social adaptation women have more energy for this. Someone says that they cry for even very little things. Therefore they could not bear even a little thing. But it is wrong. They cry for the dole. But from this crying they reduce it. Even crying they can bear lots of things and can have a lot of containment. 

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