Ten medical checkups you have to do for a healthy life

Ten medical checkups you have to do for a healthy life
It is very important to live a healthy life specially for a woman who act as mother or house wife. Because she is the main character in family. If she got ill the entire family life exhausted. Therefore keeping mother or housewife of the family in good health is everyone's responsibility.

You may already heard about health checkups or health screening. Sometimes you may be participated for health checkups. This post describes what is a health checkup and why a woman have to do that. Various diseases shows various symptoms which are common and you can use these symptoms to identify there is a disease. But every disease is now showing such common symptoms. When symptoms come to exhibit the disease may be done a considerable damage. 

In example high cholesterol in blood is most of the time not shows any symptom. But existing this high blood cholesterol for long time it accumulates in blood vessels and clog blood circulation. Suddenly this situation goes worse and explicit as a heart attack or paralyze condition occurs. What we do in health checkup, identify such hidden diseases. Then we can get earlier actions. Here are 10 checkups a woman must do.

Blood pressure check
Every healthy woman must check blood pressure every year starting in her age of 20. If you are suffering with obesity, diabetes, snoring or other diseases you have to check your blood pressure every 6 months.

Blood Cholesterol
Every health woman must check blood cholesterol and lipid profile every 5 years starting from age 20.

Mammogram and breast checkup

Breast checkup must start from age 20 and one checkup for every 3 years till age 40. This have to be done by experienced doctor. After 40 years of age it has to be done every year. Mammogram is special X-ray checkup to identify breast cancers. Starting from age 40 once in one or two years.

Bone density tests
Osteoporosis is common among aged women. It increases the danger of breaking bones. You have to do this test on age 45. Here it will test your bone strength using special machinery.

Pap test
Starting from age 21, you have to do a pap test for every 2 years. You can do this by a gynecologist. This test reviews if any disorder or disease occur in your reproductive system and identify if any cancer formation on cervix.

Blood sugar
Every healthier woman must do a blood sugar test once in every three years starting your age of 45. If you have diabetes symptoms or if you had diabetes in pregnancy you have to do this test within more short periods.

Colonoscopy & flexible sigmoldoscopy
You have to do this test once in 10 years starting from 50 years of age.

Body Mass Index (BMI)
Measuring the weight and height and compare if the ratio is good. If BMI is greater than 30, it means you are fat and have a risk of subject to diabetes and heart attacks.

Skin check
This is a self test. Every women must examine every place of the skin if there any unusual formation present. This must do once in three months starting from age 18.

Dental check
Every adult have to check their teeth from a dentist twice a year.
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