Planting tips of Aglaonema Silver Queen and Aglaonema Malay Queen

Planting tips of Aglaonema Silver Queen and Aglaonema Malay Queen
Aglaonema is important in horticulture and commercial planting. It is used as beautiful leaf plant. Let's see what are the planting tips of Aglaonema Silver Queen and Aglaonema Malay Queen by this article. Mother land of Aglaonema is south eastern countries. Aglaonema categorized under the family of Araceae. There are beautiful pattern on leaves with silver in color. Most of the countries export the shoots with 25-30 cm length. Size of the shoot, shape of the leaves, the silver color is concerned very much on exporting. 

These plants can grow any kind of soil but very good in sandy loam soil. It is very important to keep in mind that the plant is poisonous. Reproduction of the plant is asexual. Shoot and stem parts can be used for propagation. Using one portion decayed plant materials, one portion rough sand, and half portion of coir dust mixture for loam soil is a good media to plantation. If you plant Aglaonema for commercial purposes use plant beds for cultivation. High beds are not recommended and width must be 3 feet. Keep the distance of 9 inches between plants. 

Watering is very important. Water in the morning and evening at dry seasons. Normally keep the soil wet. Use high Nitrogen fertilizer. Organic liquid fertilizer and compost helps to a better growth. As most of the beautiful leafed plants, Aglaonema also love the shade. Give 50-60% shade from a shade net or give a natural shade. 

Some insects, caterpillars, snails may damage leaves. Remove by hand or wash away using water if the hazard is not much bigger. Use less poisoned insecticide when needed. If there is any patches on leaves, it is because of fungi. Use fungicide for this. Use fungicide or insecticide in the morning. Wash the applied chemicals away in the next day. Apply 7 days after first application.

Crops can be collected within 1-2 months. Next crop can get after 3-4 months. Second crop is more larger because 2-4 shoots have arisen from the the previously pruned location. Application of fertilizer after every crop collecting is very important. 

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