Venice the Italian city of water

Venice the Italian city of water
Venice is an aggregation of 117 small islands which is situated in north east of Italy. The city is built on a marsh land. Those islands are connected with 177 water canals and connected with 409 bridges. Venice populated with the migrants from surround Roman empire.

In about 400 AD Italian empire was invaded by some western savage groups regularly. Most dangerously affected areas are north east. The people lived in those areas flew to the islands of near marsh lands, abandoning their living places temporarily. After dangers over they return to their homes.

In 568AD Lombards who derived from German invaded and started to control these areas. Then the people who flew to islands of marsh lands started their lives there with making cottages. Major difficulties they faced are lack of water to drink and unable to develop the agriculture.

At that time they knew to make salt from the salty water. They went to various places with sailing and sold salt. They got a big income from selling salt and bought their needs from those money. Their only transport type is boats and therefore they become the superiors of sailing. With this they became a strong nation on sales. When they became strong with their economy the needed to develop this land and make buildings. But the marshy land is not suitable to build such structures. As a solution for this they piled wooden stems to the mud to solid level. There are no factors inside the soil to decay wood. Therefore with them they received a good basement to establish new strong structures. They use numerous stems to make one building. They laid strong wooden planks on those basements and lay marbles on those planks and bind bricks on this marble layer.

After became an economically strong city, Venice faced a foreign invasion in 810AD but they successfully beat it. During 9-12 centuries Venice became a strong nation with the power of navy and economy. Therefore the belonging Roman Empire let the Venice to separate as the Republic of Venice.

When they reached to 15th century they started to fail. In 1453 Turkey invaded Venice and the ware remains for 30 years. When Christopher Columbus found the new world and Portuguese found a new sea road to India, the naval commercial monopoly of Venice is broken down.

In 1797 after Napoleon Bonaparte invades Venice, the independency they kept for over 1000 years was broken down. Venice become a colony of France. After that Venice kept by several governments and finally it was handed over by the newly built Kingdom of Italy in 1870.

Total area of Venice is 414.6 square kilo meters and population was 270,000 in 2010. Venice divided into 6 districts named Cannaregio, Castello, Dorsoduro, San Marco, San Polo and Santa Croce. Today Venice is a major tourist point. Over 50,000 tourists come to Venice daily. Most tourist attractive areas of Venice are St. Marks Square, Grand Canal, Rialto Bridge and San Polo.

Motor vehicle transport is prohibited there and all of the transport via boats and canals. Venice and the surround lagoon is named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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