Nourishment of Infants

Nourishment of Infants
Child birth is a major milestone of a mother's life. Any mother who willing to be a mother, have to be prepared in numerous ways. Nutrition is the main.

Embryo takes nutrition from the mom's vascular system. After birth they need nutrition from outside, mainly breast milk. Giving fully nutrition to infant will help to grow up healthy baby, healthy child. Therefore infant nutrition is more important.

Breast Milk
Breast milk is holding a great place in concern with infants nutrition. Mother should start feeding her baby with her breast mil within the first hour the child birth. First few days after child birth breast milk dripping in small amounts and the milk is light yellow in color. This first milk is called "Colostrum" and this helps baby to get rid of diseases.

In first six months breast milk is enough to feed the baby. Do not give any other drink except or with breast milk in this period of six months. In the first six months every nourishing component baby needs will be in breast milk in enough amounts. Therefore do not give any powdered milk to the baby.

Feed the baby when ever he/she imply even in night time. Feeding in night time will improve the lactation.

Giving the Extra Foods to Baby
After completing the first 6 months breast milks is not enough to nourish the baby well. Therefore you should try extra food. But with extra food keep continue feeding of breast milk.

Do not mix SUGAR and SALT during first year.
Until the baby comes to 1 year old do not mix sugar or salt to the food. But mix a little bit of oil as butter or margarine. Do not give fast foods contain artificial flavors.

If the baby refuse one or some foods stop giving that for several days and try again or give him it in a different preparation. When introducing new foods, keep 2 or 3 days gap between two new foods.

Make baby food rich with different types of vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, eggs, yoghurt, cheese, etc. When baby reaching 1 year train to take normal foods the family taking.
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