Basic things we have to concern on Rose cultivation - Part I

There are lots of basic principles that we have to follow on rose cultivation. If you start without concern those basics you will lose. You have to get good understanding of diseases, fertilizing, preparing the soil, pruning.

Identify soils
Using the sandy soil
When we use sandy soil media for roses, first problem occurs is moisture. Water does not rest in sandy soil. Therefore soil will dry quickly. It is not suitable for plants. Specially not suitable for roses. When fertilizing, fertilizers will not stay on soil. It drain off with water. 

To prepare a good rose bed, first dig the ground for at least 1 1/2 feet width and 1 feet depth and take the soil off. Then lay grass, decayed organic material and sand for 2:2:1 mixture to the bottom. Lay this mixture for 6 inches height. Then place the plant and lay the removed soil around the plant. Watering needs at least twice a day. 

Using soil with high clay content
Clay soil retains water. Therefore air is very low. This soil hardly dries in dry seasons. Prepare beds for the required measurements. Burn on the top. Keep it for few days. Then spray lime on beds for reduce acidity. After that prepare the mixture as same in sandy soil.

Using Loam mixed soil
Loam is a very rich soil and water drain is not too high. But such soil is also not suitable for rose cultivation. Therefore we have to modify this type also. Dig about 2 feet depth and 1 1/2 feet width. Mix with dried cow done or compost, decaying leaves and sand. Then plant the roses.

Using soil with high lime content
This type of soil is not suitable for rose cultivation. Remove the sandy soil first. Lay grass on the bottom. Plant on a 2:2:1 of sand:compost or cow done:decayed leaves mixture.

For a good rose cultivation there must be a good water drain. If not you have to make treatments for a good water drain.

Getting plants for cultivation
Fist thing is getting good plants. There are several methods to get plants from mother tree.
Those are layering, cut pieces, budding, cloning and propagate seeds.

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