Orchid Cultivation cautions, watering, fertilizing and caring

Orchid is a beautiful flower with large varieties. Cultivation of orchid is very popular among people who love flowers. But doing orchid cultivation is much difficult procedure and hard work.

Prepare a shade
Before cultivate plants of orchids you have to prepare a suitable shade. Prepare racks using wire meshes. Sunlight must be limited. If the place is open and receive high sunlight you have to use shading net. Use 70% or 50% shading net.

Cautions and caring options
Lay unrolled flax bags on wire mesh after well washed and dried. If plants are very small, there should be no spaces between pots. If plants are not small put a space of 2 inches between two adjacent pots.
Water plants until drain from bottom. Watering plants should be done after 4.30 p.m. using watering pot. Do not water at rain seasons. Lay refuse of coir beneath the wire mesh and keep it wet always.
Fertilizers must be use before 8.30 in the morning and do not use in rainy and not shiny days.
See if any snails around the place. They are nocturnal and hidden in day time. They eat leaves and flowers.
Use fungicide like captan, mancoseb or antucol twice a day in rainy seasons and once a week in dry seasons.
You have to follow a schedule when do fertilizing. Following is an example.
Sunday - 1 tea spoon of Albert solution, 1 tea spoon of croshmaster, 1 tea spoon of fungicide mixture in 1.5 liters. Use only fungicide in rainy days.
For small plants
Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 1/2 tea spoon of N:P:K = 28:14:14 in 1.5 liters of water.
For big plants
Monday - 1 tea spoon of N:P:K = 10:20:3 in 1.5 liters of water.
Wednesday - 1 tea spoon of N:P:K = 6:12:36 in 1.5 liters of water.
Friday - 1 tea spoon of N:P:K = 7:12:40 in 1.5 liters of water.
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